"In other words, urgency means prolonging the life of a publication beyond short attention spans, challenging your readers to navigate and interact with content in different ways, and entrusting your content to the network."
- Here and Now? Explorations in Urgent Publishing

"Important is that it pertains not only to speed but also to relevancy. It refers to both priority and tenacity, and so connects momentousness to determination."
- Here and Now? Explorations in Urgent Publishing

“Logical-semantic markup is the foundation of hybrid publishing since it can be translated into whatever visual formatting is most suitable for each particular medium.”
- From print to Ebooks

"As the book evolves and we replaced the bound text with flat screens and electronic ink, are these objects and files really books? Does the feel of the cover or the smell of the paper add something crucial to the experience? Or does the magic live only within their words, no matter what their presentation?"
- TED: The evolution of the book – Julie Dreyfuss

Questions after class:
Can I say that an urgent publication is collaborative? An assemblage of other people’s work?
(collecting other people’s stories)
How to make the reader play an active role in the publication?
My understanding of Hybrid Publishing

Hybrid publication is a variant of a work/thought/creation/ movement that is not bound to one medium, in other words, it can have multiple visual outlets. An example can be a website, that is printed in a book.

Urgent Publishing is not merely bounded to the definition of Urgent, it holds an element of relevancy with the aim of prolonging relevancy beyond the now. The notion of urgent publishing should entail and make use of the different outlet possibilities the 21st century has to offer. Where publications match the relevant outlets of interested parties.

My understanding of Urgent Publishing